
Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation's Master's

The Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation's Master'sand Doctoral scholarships in Sustainable Poverty ReductionThe opportunityStudents from Asian developing nations are offered the opportunity to pursuetheir master's or doctoral studies in fields relating to sustainable povertyreduction at one of Asia 's leading postgraduate institutions. The scholarshipsThe Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation and the Asian Instituteof Technology have partnered to offer a program called "Human ResourceDevelopment for Asian Partner Countries" from October 2006 to December 2009.Master's and doctoral scholarships will be provided to students from sevenpartner countries of the Netherlands in Asia, i.e., Afghanistan , Bangladesh, Indonesia , Mongolia , Pakistan , Sri Lanka and Vietnam .The scholarships cover the costs of degree programs in fields relevant tosustainable development, environmental protection and the promotion ofgender equity. The three focal areas are water engineering and management,rural development and sustainable use of natural resources, and urbanenvironmental management.Water engineering and management includes waterways and coastal engineering,irrigation engineering, water resources and water supply drainage. Expertiseareas also include water transport, flood control, beach protection,erosion, water supply and wastewater collection and sewerage treatmentsystems, and integrated watershed development management.Rural development and sustainable use of natural resources addresses ruraldevelopment and the need to consider economic productivity versus thenecessity to conserve rural areas. In AIT many programs aim to contribute totechnology to stimulate rural developments including agricultural and foodengineering, bioprocess technology, aquaculture and aquatic resourcesmanagement, pulp and paper technology, natural resources management, as wellas regional and rural development planning.Urban environmental management addresses the sustainable development ofurbanized areas as many of the partner countries are facing rapidurbanization. Thus, the concerns should address urban economy and livingenvironment, conservation of urban natural environments and greening,prevention of environmental deterioration, impacts of urbanization, urbantransportation, urban affordable sanitation and sewage treatment. Urbanenvironmental management focuses on the utilization of human and otherresources to improve and maintain the quality of urban areas.Details• Scholarship recipients will be selected according to AIT's admissioncriteria, rules and regulations to ensure that the most suitable candidatesare admitted based on an assessment of the needs in the Netherlands ' sevenpartner countries in Asia .• At least 40 per cent of the scholarships will be offered to womencandidates.• After successful completion of graduate studies and professional trainingin AIT, the scholarship recipients are obliged to return to their homecountries for strengthening institutional capacities and contributing inbuilding sustainable societies.• Recipients are required to conduct thesis research on topics relevant totheir respective home country's development needs incorporatingenvironmental protection and sustainable development concerns.• A scholarships provides grants for tuition and fees, monthly stipend,medical insurance, educational visa and one round trip air travel.• For the master's program, preference will be given to staff of publicsector agencies, government departments, training institutions anduniversities.• Doctoral scholarships are available only to candidates who are lecturersor university teaching staff. Doctoral degree program candidates must becertified by their local employers to study abroad and must havere-employment contracts to ensure that they return back to work after theircompletion of the doctoral degree program at AIT. Applicants must provide arelevant research proposal and demonstrate a strong academic background andexperience.• All recipients of the scholarships should take at least one course ongender and development issues.Entry requirements• Applicants must adhere to AIT's admissions requirements, procedures andpolicies.To learn more, click here:**<>* * <>DeadlineAugust semester: 15 FebruaryNote: Applicants who are required to attend Bridging program, who requireearly offer of admission or who have visa or passport restrictions, areencouraged to submit applications at least two months before the deadline.You may apply online or download application forms at:** <>You may also receive the application package by mail for a nominalapplication processing fee of US$25.Please contact:Admissions and Scholarships UnitAsian Institute of TechnologyP.O. Box 4 , Klong LuangPathumthani 12120 , ThailandPhone: (662) 5245031-5033Fax: (662) 524-6326E-mail: site:

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[info] PhD Studentships in Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil EngineeriNG

Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering PhD Studentships for Overseasapplicants School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil EngineeringClosing Date: *9th February 2007*A range of funding opportunities are currently available to undertakeresearch in the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering (MACE)at the University of Manchester. Applications are sought from overseasstudents for the Overseas Research Scholarships (ORS) (minimum of 5 awards)University of Manchester - China ScholarshipsSchool of MACE Scholarships (minimum of 12 awards).The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the Universityof Manchester is one of the worlds leading Schools of Engineering with aninternational reputation for the quality of its research.Applicants will only be considered for the above scholarships if they havecompleted the standard University of Manchester postgraduate applicationprocess and have a proposed project title. Award holders will be selectedsolely on the basis of academic excellence and research potential. Theexpected level of competition for these awards means that it is probablethat successful nominees will hold, or expect to achieve, at least theequivalent of a UK first class honours degree in an Engineering discipline,Mathematics, or a closely related technical subject before the programme ofresearch is due to begin. Applicants for these studentship must be liablefor the international tuition fee.Research at the School is focused into a number of research groups withinternational standing and a critical mass of researchers. More informationabout the wide range of research undertaken by the School is available are strongly advised to visit the School's website when preparingtheir application and formulating their research proposal.For more information on the above scholarships, please visit Michelle Ringwod(<\ct=Mechanical,Aerospace%20and%20Civil%20Engineering%20PhD%20Studentships%20forOv\>)Applications can be made online at Michelle RingwoodPostgraduate Research Admissions AdministratorSchool of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil EngineeringUniversity of ManchesterGeorge Begg Building (Room B15)Sackville StreetManchesterM60 1QDTelephone: +44 (0) 161 275 4345Fax: +44 (0) 161 306 9218

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[INFO] Doctoral or PostDoc-Position (Biomechanics), University of Freiburg (Germany)

Doctoral or PostDoc-Position (Biomechanics), University of Freiburg (Germany)Firma/Institution: Department of Orthodontics, Freiburg University MedicalCentre Land:GermanyPosition: PhD Position eingegangenam:20/08/2007Beschreibung:University of Freiburg, GermanyDoctoral or Postdoctoral Position (Biomechanics)available for the development of smart orthodontic brackets („braces“) withintegrated force-moment sensors for therapeutic correction of irregular toothposition with objective feedback. The position is available from September 2007on.Project:Through a collaboration between the Department of Orthodontics and theDepartment of Microsystems Engineering (University of Freiburg, Germany), wecurrently develop smart orthodontic brackets with an integrated, autonomicsensor system fabricated using CMOS-technology. Brackets or “braces” areadhesively attached to the teeth for correcting irregularly positioned teeth.Our goal is to realise an intelligent orthodontic appliance providing objectfeedback on the force-moment systems therapeutically applied to the teeth.Intelligent bracket technology offers attractive prospects for clinical researchand for improved orthodontic therapies. The project is funded by the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for at least 3 years.Tasks:Finite-element (FE) simulations of biomechanical systems(tooth-bracket-models) for optimising the sensor system and for biomechanicalresearch in orthodonticsTest and mechanical characterisation of the sensor system embedded in thebracketIn-vitro application of smart brackets in fundamental biomechanical researchParticipation in the development of a concept for selection, handling andimaging of measurement data for later clinical application of smart brackets inorthodontic patientsLinking the technical groups (microsystems and microelectronic engineering)with the clinical (dental/orthodontic) research group participating in thisinnovative projectYour Profile:University degree (diploma or master) in physics, mathematics or engineeringwith or without doctoral degreeFundamental knowledge in engineering mechanics (experience in biomechanicsdesirable)Experience in FE-Simulation (e.g. using Ansys, Comsol Multiphysics / FEMLAB)and in software programming (preferably with Matlab, LabView, C++) desirableWe offer:Full position for at least 3 years (salary approx. 3000 € per month / TV-LE13)Perspective for longer employmentIndependent and responsible position in an inter-disciplinary research groupNational and international contacts to other biomechanical research groupsPossibility for obtaining a doctoral (Ph.D) degreeCandidates interested in this innovative research project shouldsend a CV with cover letter per e-mail to:Dr. Bernd Lapatki, Department for Orthodontics Freiburg University MedicalCentree-mail: senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung an:Kontakt Dr. Bernd Lapatki Adresse Department of OrthodonticsHugstetter Str. 55Ort Freiburg (Germany) Postleitzahl D-79106 Telefon +497612704851 E-Mail Informationen:Kontakt Dr. Bernd Lapatki Adresse Department of OrthodonticsFreiburg University Medical Centre Ort Freiburg (Germany) Postleitzahl D-79106 Telefon +497612704851 E-Mail a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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